プリンス英米学院 新丸子校

プリンス英米学院 新丸子校

  • 写真:194枚
  • アクセス数:40101
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
  • 趣味、習い事(その他)

プリンス英米学院 新丸子校




☆Movie of the Month☆『アイアン・ジャイアント/ブラッド・バード』

プリンス英米学院 新丸子校


☆Movie of the Month☆






この映画はすごく面白くて、アートもアクションも素晴らしいです!覚えるといい単語やフレーズがたくさんあります。聞いておくべき単語はhide(隠れる)、look out(気を付ける)、remember(思い出す),up(上), over there(向こう)とquiet(静か)です。


The Iron Giant is an animated movie made in the United States of America in 1999. My sister and I used to watch the movie once a week and we could act out entire scenes!

The Iron Giant is a funny and heartwarming movie with a super cool robot and lots of action! It`s a bit of a mystery, too! No one knows where the robot comes from. Even the robot doesn`t remember!

The movie begins as the giant robot crash lands in the ocean during a very scary storm. It scares an old fisherman, but the robot disappears before the fisherman can tell anyone. In the nearby town, Hogarth Hughes tries to convince his mother to let him keep a wild squirrel as a pet. This scene is super funny as the squirrel creates chaos for Hogarth when it escapes it`s box. This is when Hogarth hears the fisherman`s story about the giant robot. Everyone in the restaurant thinks the old man is crazy, but Hogarth believes him.

Later that night, as Hogarth is home alone, the power in his house goes out. He goes outside to see that something is wrong with the power lines and notices big footprints in the mud leading out into the dark forest behind his home. He decides to investigate and finds the giant robot! Even though he`s scared of him at first, Hogarth and the robot slowly become friends. But he must keep the giant robot hidden! The government begins to investigate the power outages too. They think an alien weapon is loose! Hogarth must keep the robot a secret from everyone, especially the strange government agent that stays in his house.

This movie is really fun and the art and action is amazing too! There are a lot of good words and phrases to learn. Words to listen for are: hide, look out, remember, up, over there and quiet.

I hope you love The Iron Giant as much as I do! He's my favorite robot!

タイトル:アイアン・ジャイアント(The Iron Giant)

監督:ブラッド・バード(Brad Bird)


☆Movie of the Month☆



☆Book of the Month☆


  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
  • 趣味、習い事(その他)
