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☆Movie of the Month☆『ディセンダント/ケニー・オルテガ』
プリンス英米学院 新丸子校
☆Movie of the Month☆
Who is your favorite Disney character?
Everyone knows the heroes, princesses, sidekicks and villains of Disney movies. BUT! What if all these characters had children, and those children went to school together! That’s the story of the Disney Channel Original Movie, Descendants (2015).
All the villains live on The Isle of the Lost, away from the heroes and trapped behind a barrier, but they don’t have much to do and everyone on the island just keeps on being villainous to each other. At the start of the first movie, the four main characters are Mal (daughter of Maleficent), Evie (the daughter of the Evil Queen), Jay (the son of Jafar) and Carlos (the son of Cruella De Vil). These four are chosen to go and study at Auradon School with the children of the heroes. Before being sent to the school though, their parents have a plan to steal the magic wand that belongs to the Fairy Godmother, who is now the Headmistress of the school. They meet Prince Ben - the son of Belle and the Beast who are the Queen and King of Aurodon – just before his coronation ceremony to become the new King. The Villain Kids decide to try to trick Ben with a spell and steal the wand during the coronation. While waiting for the coronation, they realize they might actually like Aurodon, and begin to have doubts about their plan.
If you liked High School Musical, then you will like this. It even has the same director! The movie has some really good scenes, and it’s fun to see all of the children of Disney characters that everyone knows. You get to see a completely new world and completely new characters, but it builds on all of the other Disney movies that everyone loves, so you can think of your own stories for what happened in the time between then and now. You end up really liking all of the characters in the movie or wanting to know more about them at least. The music is really great too, the songs are so catchy, with famous Broadway stars and new Disney Channel stars who can sing really well. I think the best song is “If Only”, but I’m sure you will find your own favorite songs.
ハイスクールミュージカルが好きなら、この映画もきっと気に入るでしょう。なんと、監督まで同じなのです!この映画にはとてもいいシーンがあって、だれもが知っているディズニーのキャラクターの子どもを見るのが面白いです。全くの新しい世界で全くの新しいキャラクターたちに出会うことができますが、みんなが大好きなディズニー映画が元となっているので、当時から今に至るまで何が起こったのか想像を膨らますのも楽しみの一つです。どのキャラクターもきっと気に入りますし、もっと彼らについてもっと知りたいと思うこと間違いなしです。この映画は音楽もよく、どの曲もキャッチーです。有名なブロードウェイのスターはもちろん、歌が上手な新しいディズニーチャンネルのスターも登場します。個人的には“If Only”という曲が一番のお気に入りですが、みなさんもお気に入りの曲が見つかるでしょう。
著者:ケリー・オルテガ(Kenny Ortega)
☆Monthly Phrases☆フレーズ☆
☆Movie of the Month☆映画☆
☆Book of the Month☆本・絵本・書籍☆
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プリンス英米学院 新丸子校
季節ごとのイベントの日本と他の国との対比や、聞き取りにくいLとRの発音の単語の比較・ネイティブが使う学校では習わない表現・知っておきたい時事ワードなど、Let's check it out!!
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