プリンス英米学院 たまプラーザ校

プリンス英米学院 たまプラーザ校

  • 写真:245枚
  • アクセス数:47292
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
  • 趣味、習い事(その他)

プリンス英米学院 たまプラーザ校




プリンス英米学院 たまプラーザ校のスタッフ紹介

  • English Conversation InstructorKoji

    At Prince Eibei Gakuin’s Tama-Plaza campus, we offer a course for 1st to 6th graders where they can learn programming skills while studying English. All programming lessons are conducted in English, allowing children to develop both English proficiency and IT skills simultaneously. This unique combination prepares them for success in the globalized, tech-driven world of the future.

    Through lessons taught by native-speaking teachers and using Sony’s KOOV, children learn technical and creative skills in an immersive English environment, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. By learning programming in English, students gain several key advantages:
    1. Improved Practical English Skills: They acquire technical vocabulary and learn to think and explain concepts in English.
    2. Broader Global Perspective: Studying in English enhances their future readiness for international opportunities and global IT careers.
    3. Engaging Immersion in English: They don’t just study English—they use it as a tool to engage in meaningful, hands-on projects.

    Nurturing Thinking, Decision-Making, and Expressive Skills Through Trial & Error!

    The KOOV robotic programming kit used in this course allows children to create shapes freely with blocks and bring them to life through programming. While having fun with this hands-on learning tool, students develop essential skills in an English-speaking environment:
    1. Think Independently and Foster Creativity
    2. Learn Resilience Through Mistakes and Perseverance
    3. Experience Total Immersion in Learning
    4. Acquire Both Programming and English Skills

    Learning programming in English not only equips children with technical skills but also develops their global communication abilities, making this a truly unique and forward-thinking program!


    1. 英語での実践力を向上:技術的な表現や用語を習得し、英語を使って考えたり説明したりする力が身につきます。
    2. 国際的な視野を広げる:英語での学びを通じて、将来の海外での活躍やIT分野での国際競争力を高めます。
    3. 英語で学ぶ没入感:英語をただ「勉強する」のではなく、実際のプロジェクトを通じて楽しく学び、自然に身につけられます。

    Trial & Errorで育む思考力、判断力、表現力!
    1. 自分の頭で考え、個性を伸ばす力
    2. 失敗から学び、やり抜く力
    3. 学びに没頭する体験
    4. プログラミングと英語力の習得


  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
  • 趣味、習い事(その他)
