プリンス英米学院 新丸子校

プリンス英米学院 新丸子校

  • 写真:194枚
  • アクセス数:40237
  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
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プリンス英米学院 新丸子校




☆Movie of the Month☆『パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々/クリス・コロンバス』

プリンス英米学院 新丸子校


☆Movie of the Month☆


『パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々』シリーズはギリシャ神話をモチーフにした映画です。ギリシャ神話をモチーフにした映画は数多くありますが、この作品は現代のアメリカを舞台にしたものなので世界観に入り込みやすく、ギリシャ神話を知らずとも楽しめます!アメリカで大人気の小説は全部で5冊あり、そのうちの第一部「Lightning Thief」と第二部「Sea of Monsters」が映画化されています。いずれも『ハリー・ポッター』で第一部と第二部で監督を務めたクリス・コロンバスが手掛けたものです。






The “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” movie series is based on Greek Mythology. There are many movies based on Greek Mythology, but this movie is set in modern America. This mix of modern day and myths is really fun and easy to understand, because you discover new things about Greek Mythology with the characters. These stories started as a popular series of books by Rick Riordan - five in total - and the movies are based on the first two books, “The Lightning Thief” and “The Sea of Monsters”. These movies were both directed by Chris Columbus, who was also the director of the first two “Harry Potter” movies.

 One day Percy learns that he is a demi-god, and because of this he is attacked by many monsters and creatures. So, Percy learns how to protect himself from these monsters. When he is training, he makes friends with some other children whose parents are also Gods of Olympus. The main story is about Percy and his friends growing stronger and going on an adventure together.

The appeal of this movie is that children of the Gods all have unique powers that they use when they fight many different monsters from Greek Mythology. Some of these monsters are really scary, and the excitement when the next monster appears is non-stop.

You can learn so many things about Greek Mythology when you watch this movie. After watching this I’ll be really happy if you become interested in Greek Mythology and learn more in-depth about it.

The movie series stopped after the first two books, so if you want to know more about these stories and characters you should read the rest of the books! And, if you want to read even more about the world of Percy and the Olympians, you can enjoy reading the sequel series, “The Heroes of Olympus” books by Rick Riordan. In addition to Percy and his friends, these books have even more unique characters that you will be fascinated by!

タイトル:パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々(Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief)

監督:クリス・コロンバス(Chris Columbus)

  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校
  • 英語学校
  • 習い事・スクール
  • 趣味、習い事(その他)
