プリンス英米学院 相模原校

プリンス英米学院 相模原校

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プリンス英米学院 相模原校




☆Animals in Australia オーストラリアの動物たち☆

プリンス英米学院 相模原校





画像はオーストラリアに生息するオオトカゲ(= monitor lizard)の一種

画像はヒクイドリ:cassowary (恐竜のようなトサカと大きな爪をもつ、"世界一危険な鳥"と言われています)






②コアラ: Koalas


③カモノハシ: Platypus


④タスマニアデビル: Tasmanian Devil


⑤エミュー: Emu


同じく走鳥類であるオーストリッチ(ダチョウ)に次ぎ、世界で2番目に大きい鳥であり、長い脚を持ち最大時速50 km/h で走ることができます。

⑥ウォンバット: Wombats



⑦ワニ: Crocodiles

オーストラリアには2種類のワニが生息しています。1つはソルトウォーターワニ (イリエワニ:塩水で暮らす)で、もう1つはフレッシュウォーターワニ (淡水で暮らす)です。ソルトウォーターワニは現存する最大の爬虫類であり、北部オーストラリアの川や海岸に生息しています。その恐竜のような見た目がカッコイイですよね。

⑧グレートバリアリーフの海洋生物: Great Barrier Reef Marine Life


クマノミ(anemone fish) と ザトウクジラ (humpback whale)

⑨オーストラリアのオウム: Australian Parrots


⑩ヘビ: Snakes







What comes to mind when you think about Australia?

In fact, Australia is the largest island in the world, encompassing tropical regions to deserts. It is known as the "oldest continent" with over 1,300 unique species found nowhere else.

In other words, it's a "treasure trove" of wildlife.

Let's take a closer look at the animals of Australia.

Australia, being isolated as a continent for millions of years, is home to a diverse range of fascinating animals, including mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and marine creatures.

①Kangaroos: These iconic marsupials are found throughout Australia. They have powerful hind legs for hopping and a pouch in which they carry and nurse their young called joeys.

②Koalas: Known for their adorable appearance, koalas primarily eat eucalyptus leaves. They are native to the eastern and southeastern parts of Australia.

③Platypus: This unique mammal is found in freshwater habitats along the eastern and southeastern coasts of Australia. It is known for its duck-bill, webbed feet, and ability to lay eggs, making it one of the few egg-laying mammals.

④Tasmanian Devil: Endemic to the island state of Tasmania, they are known for their powerful jaws and loud, fierce growls. They are now considered endangered due to a contagious facial tumor disease.

⑤Emu: Emus are flightless birds that are native to Australia. They are the second-largest bird species in the world, after the ostrich. Emus have long legs and can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h (31 mph).

⑥Wombats: Wombats are sturdy, burrowing marsupials that are found in various parts of Australia. They have a stocky build, short legs, and are well adapted for digging extensive burrows.

⑦Crocodiles: Australia is home to two species of crocodiles: the saltwater crocodile and the freshwater crocodile. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptiles and can be found in Northern Australia's rivers and coastlines.

⑧Great Barrier Reef Marine Life: The Great Barrier Reef, located off the northeastern coast of Australia, is a renowned ecosystem full of diverse marine life. It is home to many species of colorful fish, turtles, sharks, rays, and corals.

⑨Australian Parrots: Australia has a wide variety of vibrant parrot species, including cockatoos, lorikeets, rosellas, and galahs. These colorful birds are known for their intelligence, beauty, and ability to mimic sounds.

⑩Snakes: Australia has a reputation for its venomous snake species, including the eastern brown snake, inland taipan, and tiger snake. However, it's important to note that most snakes in Australia are non-venomous and play a crucial role in the ecosystem.

These are just a few examples of the remarkable animals found in Australia, but the country's unique ecosystems make it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers from around the world.

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プリンス英米学院 相模原校

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