プリンス英米学院 玉川上水校

プリンス英米学院 玉川上水校

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6月9日公開!新作映画『リトル・マーメイド』を英語で見てみよう! 天才作曲家による音楽にも注目!

プリンス英米学院 玉川上水校




Walt Disney founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio on October 16, 1923 with his brother Roy Oliver Disney.

This year, 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Disney's founding.

We would like to introduce the movie "The Little Mermaid" (released on June 9, 2023), which was released in such a memorable year, and its composer, Alan Menken.

We will also introduce famous lines in the movie, so we hope that you enjoy reading them for learning English.

"The Little Mermaid" is a movie based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, in which Ariel, a mermaid who longs for the human world, transforms into a human through a contract with the witch Ursula and meets her beloved prince Eric.

The film's music was composed by Alan Menken. He has worked on the soundtracks of many Disney movies, and has created many famous songs such as "Beauty and the Beast" and "Aladdin".

Alan Menken has won numerous awards in the field of film music, winning eight Oscars, including an Academy Award. His music plays an important role in enriching and emotive the story of the film.

In fact, Alan Menken composed the famous song "Compass of Your Heart" that can be heard in the attraction "Sinbad Storybook Voyage" on the Arabian Coast of Tokyo DisneySea. If you have a chance to go to Tokyo DisneySea, please listen to it.

Here are some quotes from The Little Mermaid. Please enjoy the meaning of the English lines and the explanation of the scene below.

1. "I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'."

   - This line expresses Ariel's longing for the human world. Frustrated by being trapped in the sea world, she wishes she could live like a human.

2. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?"

   - This is the line in the scene where Ariel sings while showing her collection of human things. It's a striking scene meant to be curious about human culture.

3. "Teenagers, you give them an inch, they swim all over you."

   - Ariel's father, King Triton, murmured when he was having trouble dealing with young mermaids. This scene depicts the curiosity and rebelliousness of teenagers.

4. "I love you, Daddy." - "I love you more."

   - An affectionate exchange between Ariel and King Triton. Their bond and family love are drawn. Even though Ariel is rebellious towards her father, it speaks to her that she loves him from the bottom of her heart.

5. "The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake."

   - This line, sung by Sebastian, is a message for Ariel to accept her own situation. It shows that other people's environment and lives always look good.

These lines represent some of the fascinating stories and characters in The Little Mermaid movie. This movie is a wonderful work that will captivate the audience forever with the theme of love and the pursuit of dreams.

1923年10月16日、ウォルト・ディズニーが兄のロイ・O・ディズニーと共にディズニー・ブラザース・カートゥーン・スタジオ(Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio)を設立したことから、2023年はディズニー創立100周年となる記念の年です。








1. "I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'."(「私は人々がいる場所に行きたいの。踊っている人々を見たいの」)

  - この台詞は、アリエルが人間の世界に憧れる気持ちを表現しています。彼女は海の世界に閉じ込められていることに不満を抱き、人間のように生きたいと願っています。

2. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?"(「これらのものを見て。素敵でしょう?私のコレクションが充実しているって思わない?」)

  - アリエルが人間の物を集めたコレクションを見せながら歌うシーンでの台詞です。人間の文化に興味津々であることを意味する印象的なシーンです。

3. "Teenagers, you give them an inch, they swim all over you."(「ティーンエイジャーにちょっと許しちゃうと、全部許してくれってやってくるわ」)

  - アリエルの父であるトリトン王が、若い人魚たちの扱いに困ってつぶやく台詞です。このシーンでは、ティーンエイジャーの好奇心や反抗心が描かれています。

4. "I love you, Daddy." - "I love you more."(「パパが大好き。」 - 「私のほうがもっと好きよ。」)

  - アリエルとトリトン王の愛情を示すやりとりです。彼らの絆と家族愛が描かれています。アリエルは父に対して反抗心がありながらも、心の底から愛していることが伝わっています。ありがちな間違いですが、「I love you.」と言われて「私もあなたのことを愛しています!」と伝えたいとき、「Me too.」と答えないよう注意しましょう。「私も(私のことを)愛しています」という意味になってしまいます。

5. "The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake."(「他の誰かの湖では、海藻はいつもより緑色に見えるのよ。」)

  - セバスチャンが歌うこの台詞は、アリエルに対して彼女自身の状況を受け入れるように促すメッセージです。他の人の環境や生活がいつも良く見えることを示しています。「隣の芝は青く見える」とは、日本でもよく知られたことわざですが、英語では「The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.」と言います。grassをseaweedとするなど、アリエルの世界観に合わせた言い換えが面白いセリフです。




  • 進学塾、予備校、各種学校

プリンス英米学院 玉川上水校 スタッフ紹介

